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Reiki Level I Private Session: Open Your Reiki Channel

Reiki Level I Private Session: Open Your Reiki Channel


Learn the history of Reiki, its principles, and its tenants. Be attuned to Reiki Level I and learn to give yourself a Reiki treatment. Become adept at administering Reiki treatments to others.

Since the ability to "be" a Reiki practitioner is transmitted in the attunement process, anyone can learn Reiki and be proficient at it! Reiki is an intelligent energy that brings about healing at the deepest levels. In an enjoyable daylong workshop, you gain the information and ability to transmit Reiki energy to yourself, your family, friends, pets, and even your plants!

First-degree Reiki begins an exciting and profound journey filled with self-discovery, personal change, love, growth, new experiences, and an immeasurable sense of bonding with a higher power.

It takes most people from a position of skepticism and propels them into a new understanding of life.

Reiki opens doors to new dimensions and things we never dreamt possible, giving us access to the purest unconditional love available.

Reiki is pure energy; it is omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Reiki is available to all who wish to tap into it, accept it, and become one with its energy and wisdom.

Words cannot adequately describe Reiki; it needs to be experienced. Every person experiences Reiki differently, so it is impossible to define Reiki clearly in words. Whether you experience Reiki as a treatment from a Reiki practitioner or by attending a class, it will improve your life if you are open to the energy and allow it to envelop your mind, body, and spirit.

This is where Reiki history, self-Reiki techniques, and methods to give Reiki to someone else are taught. Students will learn how to channel Universal Life Force Energy (an infinite energy source) through the crown chakra and out again, usually through the palms of the hands.

Students permanently gain the ability to help heal others, primarily on the physical level. After the first attunement, the student will release many energetic blockages. This means that stagnant energy in the student's energetic structure will be moved, healing the student of some of their own hangups. Physical pain manifests where energetic stagnancy exists. By removing the stagnant energy, the pain will be healed and will not come back unless we re-manifest the stagnant energy.

What you will learn in Level 1

What Reiki is and who discovered it

How Reiki works

What causes your energy to be off-balance and cause blockages

How to connect to Reiki

How to scan and clear your aura of any energy imbalances

How to balance your chakras and nourish your organs with Reiki

How Reiki can help to heal the Endocrine & Lymphatic system

Reiki hand positions

How to conduct a Reiki self-treatment

How to conduct a Reiki healing on others

Sacred Connection: You will receive a live Reiki attunement

I will teach you advanced techniques beyond the introductory Reiki class

Your Reiki lineage

You will receive a manual of Reiki Level 1

You will receive a Certificate as a Reiki Level 1 practitioner as you have completed the class


Classes are on Sundays from 10 am –4pm.



  • Cancellation Policy

    *Cancellation Policy:  24-hour notice for all cancellations or changes of the scheduled class session. This will allow me to offer the space to someone on the waiting list. If you missed a scheduled class without prior cancellation or canceling with less than 24-hour notice, you will forfeit the deposit fee. I'm looking forward to working with you and helping you create your life's purpose with joy and balance.

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